Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stacking in Circles

It's the feeling that you're doing something wrong
That they don't think you belong
The feeling that you're not what everyone hoped you'd be
Not what you hoped you'd be
It's the knowledge of
It's missing what he said to you because you've noticed, once again, how sweet his eyes are.
It's missing the math lesson because you spent the block writing a poem
And it's so damn beautiful.
You just can't give it up
Your insides are twisted in knots and you don't understand the questions they're asking on page 406 of your textbook
And it's scattered and broken
Even though it hurts and even when you're wrong
It's the only happiness

1 comment:

  1. This is how I feel sometimes when doing math homework... except for maybe lines 6-7.

    In all seriousness though, I really love this poem. We all have our own different reasons for it, but I think everyone feels as though they don't belong and are making mistakes and are confused at some point in their lives. At least, that's the message in here for me.

    I also love how you state the page in the textbook, but I'm not completely sure why.
