Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dust to Dust

The night time pendulum
Keeps swing swunging through stardust

The cosmic hands
Keep tick tocking
Grasping arthritic planets by their rings
and spinning them through
the clock maker's window.

He clears away the grime of the future
And sneezes,
Aggravating the misbalanced earth
Tipsy on her axis

Reaching into the stardust
He grasps the schizophrenic planet
By her ozone
And peers through her windows

Seeing we know not.

And the nighttime clock maker
Sinks into his twin sized bed and
Callls on soft sand
His cosmic eyes
Spinning through the grime of the future

Aggravated, he sneezes
And loses his balance
Tripping into the soft purple velvet
of accidental disintegration.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Infinite Shower

Slippery soap suds
Sunlight streams through frosted glass
Shampoo, skin and smiles.