Thursday, February 26, 2009


I can hear them
Right outside my window
Pumping the gas
Spinning their wheels
Digging themselves deeper into the snow
Rhythmic ignorance
The engine roars, "Cease!"

The Comforts of Home

There was supposed to be a snow storm
And for sure babe, it's snowing
A thin dusting from heaven's floorboards
Turns to crunching feathers under my tumble

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear Universe,

Another day checked off
On the calendar of my residence
In this body
One day less
One breath closer
To my inevitable departure
Is life a soft lit candle, huffed out too soon
And never revived?
Just incase it isn't, I've composed a few requests.

Assuming I was not horribly wrong about the Bible and get sent strait to hell with all the other spit fire, wild child sinners
I'd like to be reincarnated as a flower
A poppy, perhaps
Wild colors seem to suit me
Delicate, wrinkled, red and orange
Or maybe I could be a tree
A mighty tower
Cracking bark
Flittering foliage
I'd never want to be a Planaria
High school biology is not for me
But I could be a mud puddle in the early spring
Or even a hefty, beast of Alaska
A moose among moose, lumbering in the tundra
Nibbling on greens all day

But, perhaps, I think I might like to be
An abandoned ship in the Bermuda triangle
Stormy seas would toss me
On calm water I would float
And maybe someday I'd slip underneath the blanket of water
And see the extraordinary on the journey downwards. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Older Stuff

I finally brought home my english notebook from first semester and I found a few things in it that are worth sharing. Here they are, in chronological order.

[author's note, mopey moods don't always make for great poetry]

Are you ever lonely, just like I am, all the time?
Is your mind bursting with questions, just like mine?
Do I make you feel alive, just like you make me feel?
Do you long for hours spent wandering aimlessly on sidewalks, like I do?

I wrote the one below in study hall one time, I was sitting close to Dylan and I wanted to meet him, so I thought about the creepiest way possible. I wrote this poem and then I emailed it to him :]

Freckles. Splatters across him arms and face, neck and hands
Angel kisses? 
If so, he must have been popular with those winged watchers long before conception.
Fingers hesitantly dragging across his keyboard, diligently studying.
Eyeglasses clinging softly to pale skin behind his ears
Chocolate brown hair curls up from the nape of his neck, 
Brushing against a solar system of freckles.
Sitting in a chair, too blue
In and classroom, too quiet
In and world, too constraining
I bet he wants to scream.

This next thing is just an excerpt of an attempt of escaping my complete boredom during study hall. 

The air we breath, the air we breath. Poisoned or enhanced? Curses and pollution? Jesus, why do you always need a prompt when you're not depressed or something? Well, might as well keep writing, you know, it makes you look like you are doing something. Conferences, eh?

And this last one is from the night I had my first pomegranate.

Slicing nicely, juices drip
Staining the counter, the cloth
Trails creeping through pomegranate flesh
Delicate jewels of puckering flavor
I dig with fingertips, patiently extracting
The fruit.
It falls into the bowl,
Children to their bed, resigning after a day of mischief. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009


It doesn't have to be:

streaking meteors
blaring radios
gushing floods
blinding neon colors
thundering storms
spritzing musky perfume
machine gun rattle. 

It can be:

embers glowing
ice cracking
dew dropping
the pastel sun rising
a spring breeze flowing
the smell of fresh cut grass, floating 
soft suffocation. 

Friday, February 20, 2009


You're with me always
Though, I not with you
And sometimes that knowledge is comforting
And sometimes it stings

And sometimes I think that someday I could be the feathers in a pillow or the clacking in a tap dancer's shoe.  

Thursday, February 19, 2009


of any reason, but here I am avoiding homework ... so this is what I found

fail owned pwned picturesfunny pictures of cats with captions

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Knots, scribbles, labyrinth
Through the confusion, a single red string runs through my chaos
It may be in my DNA
Calculated out as social survival skills

An explanation for what makes my heart skip like a scratched disk and grow warm as soft knits in the dryer. 

What Falls Between

This poem is by my dear friend Chloe. I read it on her blog and it struck me [as her poems often do] and asked her if I could share it on my blog, so here it is :]

In moments it is gone
my racing heart swept up
and disposed of, 
in the corner
Letting life continue it's unending 

I think I brushed with fate
I think I was close
So close, 
But when I open my eyes
All those dreams fall away
and once again I realize
That I have missed my chance

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Trip To The Doctor

The only thing I must look away from
A clenched fist
A pinch of the skin
I feel energy being sucked from me
Cotton pressed tight
Secured with a brightly colored sticky strip
And now I can turn my head to see
My purple blood 
Sloshing in a small vial

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Specific Horrific

Lacking in perfection
I admire them as they were
Barren fingers outstretched 
Sunlight is cheap
Moist, grey skies awaken 

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I feel so completely useless
Sleep leads to sleepiness
I've snatched the hours time has given me
And spun them into a tangled mess of nothing

I'm even too lazy to give this poem structure
Free verse is my friend
The friend who drinks all my parent's alcohol
The friend who needs their hair pulled back while they get sick
And I hold their hair back
Because it's good to be needed

Cold fingers
Bloodshot eyes, glazed over like high calorie carbo treats
It's just been one of those days
Though, at 9:05pm I can feel the sun beginning to rise again
I'm feeling better already.


Private is private
The end, swept in by red velvet
Coy, delicate lace
Functional blinders from bed-sheets
And so I pull them back to reveal the day
Or rather, my face to the streets

From the desk of the poet who needs to shower and write her english paper,

Poetry is not love
And love, not poetry
Be not won by words that flow
Like nectar to hummingbird
Many poets lie to lie
So be not won by words
Be not won by glances
Those, you cannot prove
Be not won by song
Though it may cling like honey to the ear
Be not won by good intensions
Those are but brightly colored chalk on sidewalk
Washed away by mists of moisture
Be won instead by the contents of your own heart
False heart cannot prove false to itself
Therefore, your heart will remain true to your own questioning
And, by chance yours align with another
Do what you will
Proclaim, hasten breath
Or whatever your false heart's desire
For hearts are not false in moment passing
Only in comet streaks and lightening strikes whereon 'forever' is spoke.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wash Your Hands Obsessively, Excessively.

"It's a sort of, mild case
I've been through this before."
Is what I told my doctor
As I lay there on the floor

"All the times, previous,
It came in with a bang
Stomach tied all up in knots
An awful, sickly pang.

The first time round, I drowned it
Starvation for the last,
It's been a struggle, sometimes war
For cases in the past

But doctor, dear, this one I've got
Grew slowly in my gut
I know not whence it came from
Nor which door I must shut

This sickness, gentle, fleeting
Chokes my speech and guides my eyes
Are there no vaccines?
No way to sanitize?

My doctor just peered down his nose
And slowly shook his head
He sighed and scowled and glowered
And this to me, he said

"You've done this to yourself
I'm certain that you know
This illness is preventible
You're the one who let it grow."

Without Gravity

The raging sparkle of that stream
I'd pluck it as it flows
But I've been to shore to harvest jewels 
And my dear, it isn't so

See the wild, purple petals?
I'd gather them as they grow
I've stooped low to breath their scent
And my dear, it isn't so

The setting sun spits orange and red
My dear, it isn't so

A butterfly, delicate, flowing sighs
My dear, it isn't so

The promise of tomorrow 
My dear, it isn't so
But in this moment, we can be
The river's glitter glow

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Silent Satan's secrets seem so simple, seem so sweet
Severed, screaming sickles slicing slowly
So she'll slip, silky sour
Standing still, siting strait 
Sickly sipping soda

This is what History class is good for,

And so I was sitting in class staring at the ceiling, trying to count the pockmarks in the tiles. They reminded me of stars and they reminded me of pebbles in a fish tank, but most of all, they reminded me of the missteps I've ... stepped into. Infinite in yesterdays, passing moments and in the intangible calendar; stretching forth until and beyond my closing scene. It also made me think; just as the spots on the ceiling maybe my mistakes were intentional. Each mark isn't planned specifically, but the general idea is that there will be punctures, and there will be many. With this in mind, fearing my missteps seems a silly thing to do. It's time to charge into my blunders with a flying leap [much like a mud puddle] and leave written evidence of the experience. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

As The Moon

As sure as sunrise, I feel a warm blush in my face
Offhand jokes provoke my laughter, rainwater shaken from a birch tree
Like a soft, plum sweater snagged on a prickly rosebush (they know not their effect)
My eyes catch on his face (they know not their effect)
Foamy seawater rolls over and envelops grainy beaches, consistent and in rhythm 
Just as my thoughts turn to him
Like socked tiptoes on carpet, I probe his mind for clues
But I feel more like river dance, loud and obnoxiously obvious
It's adventuring with a faulty compass
I am the needle, spinning
I'm on a hyper-active merry-go-round
Round and round
Turn turn turn
I know not what's my ankle nor nose
Yet, this feeling, though well known to me
Peaks from the soil like a timid seedling
Soft greens, waiting.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stale Fortunes

Wilted rose
Torn up lace
Empty yogurt cup

There is the water
There is the money
There is the soil

Two pale lilies
Soft, black silk
Earthy wombs

Clip your budding flowers
Buy your dresses shorter
Sow seeds in abundance

Sunlight will do the rest.