I finally brought home my english notebook from first semester and I found a few things in it that are worth sharing. Here they are, in chronological order.
[author's note, mopey moods don't always make for great poetry]
Are you ever lonely, just like I am, all the time?
Is your mind bursting with questions, just like mine?
Do I make you feel alive, just like you make me feel?
Do you long for hours spent wandering aimlessly on sidewalks, like I do?
I wrote the one below in study hall one time, I was sitting close to Dylan and I wanted to meet him, so I thought about the creepiest way possible. I wrote this poem and then I emailed it to him :]
Freckles. Splatters across him arms and face, neck and hands
Angel kisses?
If so, he must have been popular with those winged watchers long before conception.
Fingers hesitantly dragging across his keyboard, diligently studying.
Eyeglasses clinging softly to pale skin behind his ears
Chocolate brown hair curls up from the nape of his neck,
Brushing against a solar system of freckles.
Sitting in a chair, too blue
In and classroom, too quiet
In and world, too constraining
I bet he wants to scream.
This next thing is just an excerpt of an attempt of escaping my complete boredom during study hall.
The air we breath, the air we breath. Poisoned or enhanced? Curses and pollution? Jesus, why do you always need a prompt when you're not depressed or something? Well, might as well keep writing, you know, it makes you look like you are doing something. Conferences, eh?
And this last one is from the night I had my first pomegranate.
Slicing nicely, juices drip
Staining the counter, the cloth
Trails creeping through pomegranate flesh
Delicate jewels of puckering flavor
I dig with fingertips, patiently extracting
The fruit.
It falls into the bowl,
Children to their bed, resigning after a day of mischief.